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Sermons by RCM Personnel 

One of the ministries of RCM has been the planting of King's Reformed Presbyterian Church in Palm Bay, Florida, co-pastored by Rev. Geoffrey Donnan and Rev. Rudy Poettcker. We invite you to listen to their sermons.

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King's Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastors Donnan & Poettcker
Palm Bay, Florida


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The Mission—Light shall make the darkness go away.
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan | 1 John 1:5; Revelation 21:23

SUN 12/07/2008
Sunday - AM


Troubles and persecution from the offense of the cross.
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 5:10-12

SUN 11/30/2008
Sunday - AM


Salvation is being declared justified by God
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Jeremiah 23:1-6; Romans 3:27-4:8

SUN 11/23/2008
Sunday - AM


The believer's religion/faith is to be seen in all of his life.
Pastor Asgar Hamid | Deuteronomy 6:6-9

SUN 11/09/2008
Sunday - AM


A cry for the blessing of God in giving reformation.
Pastor Rudy Poettcker | Psalm 144:11-15

SUN 11/02/2008
Sunday - AM


The mystery of Christ's present universal rule and the existence of...
Pastor Rudy Poettcker | Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

SUN 10/26/2008
Sunday - AM


The mystery of the Word of the Kingdom; It is sown in a variety of...
Pastor Rudy Poettcker | Matthew 13:3-9,18-23

SUN 10/19/2008
Sunday - AM


Christ is our Savior because, as Covenant Mediator, He is our High...
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Hebrews 10:11-29; John 19:1-30

SUN 10/12/2008
Sunday - AM


The believer prays for God's grace so that he is able to obey His Word
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Psalm 119 | Psalm 119:33-40; Ezekiel 33:30-33

SUN 10/05/2008
Sunday - AM


The Lord's true disciples are sifted as wheat
Pastor Rudy Poettcker | Luke 22:31-34,54-62; John 6:60-71

SUN 09/28/2008
Sunday - AM


The Gospel (truth) is the only true power for your life.
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 5:7-9; Matthew 13:3-23

SUN 09/21/2008
Sunday - AM


The Eagerly Awaited Hope of Righteousness by Faith
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 5:5-6; Hebrews 6

SUN 09/14/2008
Sunday - AM


God has shown His justice and mercy in Christ.
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Isaiah 1:18-31; Romans 5:1-11

SUN 09/07/2008
Sunday - AM


Jesus shows compassion on an outcast of Israel
Pastor Rudy Poettcker | Mark 1:40-45

SUN 08/31/2008
Sunday - AM


Hold on to your freedom - don't fall from grace. (Be true sons of...
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 5:1-4; Hebrews 6

SUN 08/24/2008
Sunday - AM


Two sons, two symbols, two systems - Part Two
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 4:21-31

SUN 08/17/2008
Sunday - AM


Two sons, two symbols, two systems - Part One.
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 4:21-31; Genesis 12-22

SUN 08/10/2008
Sunday - AM


Our salvation (rescue) is in the incarnation of Immanuel
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Matthew 1:18-23; Hebrews 2:10-18

SUN 08/03/2008
Sunday - AM


God's gracious rescue of fallen man through covenant promise.
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Isaiah 53:4-12; Ephesians 2:8-18

SUN 07/27/2008
Sunday - AM


God's election is the background to our salvation.
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Belgic Confession of Faith | Ephesians 1:3-10; Romans 9:14-24

SUN 07/20/2008
Sunday - AM


Don't switch idols, forsake them.
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan | Galatians 4:8-20

SUN 07/13/2008
Sunday - AM


Man is created and recreated to have life and freedom within the...
Pastor Asgar Hamid | Genesis 2:15-17; Deuteronomy 6:17-25

SUN 07/06/2008
Sunday - AM


No longer servants, but sons of God who cry Abba Father
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 4:1-7

SUN 06/29/2008
Sunday - AM


If you are Christ's, then you are Christ and heirs according to the...
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 3:26-29; Isaiah 61:10

SUN 06/22/2008
Sunday - AM


Believers Desire to Know God's Word, Especially During Struggles...
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Psalm 119 | Psalm 119:25-32; Psalm 2

SUN 06/15/2008
Sunday - AM


The believer longs for God's Word and finds comfort in it, especially...
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Psalm 119 | Psalm 119:17-24; Isaiah 29:9-24

SUN 06/08/2008
Sunday - AM


The True Church is Blessed When the Physical Word Departs
Pastor Rudy Poettcker • Luke 24 | Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-14

SUN 06/01/2008
Sunday - AM


God's Law is not Against the Promise of God, but Serves the Interests...
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 3:20-25; Hebrews 8

SUN 05/25/2008
Sunday - AM


God's Promise is an Inheritance for Abraham and His Seed and Cannot...
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 3:15-20; Hebrews 10:11-28

SUN 05/18/2008
Sunday - AM


The Cursed, Curse-Bearer and Promise
Pastor Geoffrey Donnan • Galatians | Galatians 3:10-14; Genesis 15

SUN 05/04/2008
Sunday - AM


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