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Movies and Entertainment

The MovieGuide logo.

Dr. Ted Baehr, MovieGuide.orgRCM Director, Rev. Geoffrey Donnan, serves on the Board of Advisors for MovieGuide ( headed by Dr. Ted Baehr whom he has known and worked with on various projects since 1984. MovieGuide has chosen to take a broad path of promoting Christian values in movie and TV productions that does differentiate between Roman Catholic practices such as Mariology (worship of Mary) and Hagiology (worship of saints) but does not emphasize an iconoclastic distinctive. This has led, of course, to a broader based appeal than would be possible if it took a stricter approach. Consequently, not everything that it approves as Christian content will meet full agreement by some conservative Protestant Christians even though they are frequently negatively tagged as the most theologically conservative Christian review service. Nevertheless, their magazine and service to the Christian community at large is very real and useful and we heartily recommend it with the above qualifications to our readership.


Hollywood Denounces God and applauds pedophilia and homosexuality at the Oscars, February 23, 2009


Reformation Christian Ministries - Reformed International College - Reformed Theological Seminary.