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Good News Bible Study

A Gospel-centered Bible course provided by Reformation Christian Ministries


The Good News Bible Study has been distributed to over 30,000 students

It teaches from the Bible consistent with the Reformation.

It is used around the world and is intended for adults but written in simple language.

  • Churches have used this to spread the Gospel around the world as well as in their own backyard in jail ministries.

  • Churches outside North America have used this as a follow-up method for evangelism efforts.

  • Churches in North America use it to introduce Reformation theology in a very non-traditional way.

  • Some churches use it as a basic part of new member classes.

  • It has been advertised in local newspapers to reach people who will respond to a FREE Correspondence type Bible study.

  • It has been used also by individuals to offer a home Bible study to neighbors or friends with a "let's study the Bible together" approach.

  • It is being used in a number of jail and prison ministries by local churches.

  • Some Christian schools that teach English-as-Second-Language use because the language is simple.

  • There are a multitude of ways in which it can be used.

Make your selection below for further information.


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Use Bible Courses

for Training

Any individual  anywhere who reads & writes English & has a Bible.

Operate Grading Center

Normally in North America & U.K.

Operate a Distribution Center, Normally outside of North America & U.K.


Course Options

Take FREE Bible Course On-Line


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Mail in your answers and when finished, you will receive a

FREE Completion Certificate

Request Printed Bible Course by Mail


FREE Completion Certificate

The entire Good News Bible Study course in English is now available online. It works best with high-speed access.

This method is

Download the PDF version of the course and submit it for grading via regular postal mail.


This method is

Include YOUR FULL Postal Mailing Address.  Allow for lengthy delays in delivery.


This way is the



. . . SLOWEST.