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Reformation International College (RIC)

Reformation International College (RIC) began in 1996 in partnership with Christ College of Lynchburg, Virginia (which has since closed and moved).  We initially were the distance learning facility for their campus program and offered a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Thought (B.A.C.T.).  Because of demand, we have suspended that degree offering and focus on the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program originally aimed at providing teacher training for teachers in our school in Suriname, South America.  However, over the past several years, we have concluded arrangements that enable us to offer this degree to students in the United States who wish to meet the educational requirements not only for Christian schools, but also other public and private schools which require Teacher's Certification.  Reformation International College's B.Ed. program now meets all the State of Florida Department of Education for students who desire to take the Teacher's Certification exam.  We currently offer a B.Ed. degree with a major in Elementary Education.  By 2011 we should be able to include a major in Secondary Education, and thereafter intend to expand from there.

We are currently revising our catalog to reflect all these changes.   In the meantime, if you click on the catalog link below, you will be directed to an informative brochure that will give you additional information.  Our catalog should be available by the end of May, 2010. 

Read or download our latest RIC Catalog.

Read or download our latest application forms.