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The Reformation Wall
From left to
right, the figures are those of click here for 800 x 600 enlargement The college and seminary take their name (and watermark) from the Reformation Wall of The International Monument to the Reformation, Geneva, Switzerland. The Wall is located on the grounds of the University of Geneva, founded by John Calvin in 1559. It was built in 1909 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Calvin’s birth and the 350th anniversary of the university’s establishment. The Wall was built into the old fortified city walls of Geneva, thus representing the city’s integral importance to the Reformation. The four statues at the center were the men God used to establish biblical churches which in turn changed the world through the right preaching of the Gospel with all its implications by applying the Word of God to every aspect of life. That Reformation continues to this day and needs again the renewed vigor of such men as memorialized there. |